Let me start off by saying that I did not intend on this blog being entirely about prayer, but the response that I got from everyone on my last post really flattered me and it got me to thinking. What else can I do to be more deliberate with my prayer life?Making Time
For those of you who don't know, I love music. Love might be an understatement. I love to sing, I love to listen to good music, I have complete appreciation for someone who can really play an instrument of any kind (I can still play my very first piano recital piece and that's it), I have an appreciation for people who can write music. I LOVE music. My ipod has anything from Les Miserables to the Beastie Boys on it. Did I mention that I love music? So, riding to and from work is one of my main music times. I go through phases, so it's really cool to have XM Radio which offers me some variety. Sometimes I get on an 80's kick, sometimes I listen to an old CD, sometimes I listen to whatever play/show I might be involved in at the time. Whatever the choice, car time means music time.Last night I thought, what if I turn off the radio tomorrow and use that 20 minute drive to work as God time? I mean, really, I am in the car a minimum of 40 minutes a day. What if I used that time to concentrate on talking to God. No radio, no phone; just me and Him. If you're like me, you have trouble with getting distracted while praying/studying, so I thought surely I can devote this 20 minutes solely to God.
So, this morning I got in the car, almost forgot about my promise, but quickly turned off the radio and started talking to God. Now this wasn't my normal "please God get these slow people out of my way so I can get to work on time" kind of prayer. This was meaningful time of asking God to bless my day, and that of my family. I prayed for each family member, for my co-workers, for my church, for my friends. Let me say that it was a great way to get my day started right. I've decided to make it a weekly event and call it Thoughtful Thursday, because I've got to be honest with you, to me music is a gift from God, so I will continue to enjoy that gift as well! But, for now Thursday car time means God time.
Maybe you can try something like this too. I know many of you have kids and you are lucky to have any quiet time, especially in the mornings! So, try it after you drop them off. Or, maybe you can use the time to talk with your kids about God and prayer, or share their celebrations or concerns about the day. Heck, maybe you can talk one of them into praying for you all!
It doesn't matter what you do, just pick a time that you can begin to devote solely to God. After all, He gave His Son for us, and all He asks of us is a committed relationship with Him. We have all heard that successful relationships take work, so give this one the work it deserves.
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